1 room apartments daily Rivne, Solomii Krushelnitskoy St., 77 — 1001166370
There is everything you need - furniture, household appliances - refrigerator, washing machine, stove, boiler.<br /> Modern, freshly renovated.<br /> Apartment near Shevchenko Park.<br /> Restaurants, cafes and public transport stops nearby.<br /> All details by phone. The apartment is rented hourly. For 4 hours during the daytime 600 UAH. Per day 900 UAH per person. The cost of the apartment depends on the number of people staying. For each additional person an additional 200 UAH is paid. On weekends and holidays the price for the apartment is negotiable. In winter, with the start of the connection to the heating, the price for the apartment is recalculated.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Microwave cooker
- Cutlery
- Utensils and accessories
In the bathroom
- Shower unit
- Bath-tub
- Toilet accessories (shampoos, soaps)
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Cable television
- Satellite TV
- TV set
Hot water
- Hot-water heater
- Armored front door
- Intercom
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Iron
- Variable bed linen
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
- Balcony
- Elevator
- Recessed balcony
Call the owner for all lease details

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on Doba.ua since: 01.09.2016 22:10:33