room daily Kharkiv, Osnovyanskiy district, Kuznechnaya St., 8 — 1001597612
The price is for a room - 2 beds, there is also the possibility to rent one bed - 250
Cozy room, 2 beds, TV in a guest house with 4 rooms in the center of Kharkov on Kuznechnaya street 8 (Zirka area). To Gagarin metro station, bus station - 500.
The bathroom and kitchen are shared between 4 rooms.
There is always hot water and its own heating.
24-hour check-in, payment by card or cash.
In the common area there is a refrigerator and a washing machine, all kitchen appliances. There is wireless Internet (Wi-Fi)
In the kitchen
- Refrigerator
- Electric oven
- Electric kettle
- Microwave cooker
- Air conditioner
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- TV set
Hot water
- Hot-water heater
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
Call the owner for all lease details

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on since: 24.01.2020 11:48:07