2 rooms apartments daily Kyiv, Shevchenkovskiy district, Pobedy Ave., 17 — 970592293
2-room apartment on Pobedy Avenue.<br /> Price: from 800 UAH/day.<br /> The indicated price is calculated for a group of two people. In case of accommodation of more people the price may change.<br /> Apartment area: 52 square meters.<br /> The apartment is located 5 minutes walk from the metro station Polytechnic Institute/KPI.<br /> 2 separate rooms, European-quality renovation, imported tiles in the bathroom and toilet, 2 double beds, 2-bed sofa bed folds out, cable TV, Wi-Fi, double-glazed windows, air conditioning, automatic washing machine, refrigerator, iron, ironing board, parking nearby.<br /> Reporting documents.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Electric kettle
- Baking oven
- Air conditioner
In the bathroom
- Bath-tub
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Cable television
- TV set
Hot water
- Hot-water heater
- Armored front door
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Iron
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
- Balcony
Call the owner for all lease details

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on Doba.ua since: 28.05.2012