1 room apartments daily Poltava, Shevchenkovskij district, m-n Nezavisimosti, 1 — 1001489491
Apartment with repair, Internet, household appliances. Quiet cozy closed courtyard with the possibility of parking a car. Guarded parking nearby. The apartment is not rented for a celebration, to sit with friends, to celebrate something. Smoking in the apartment is prohibited. We provide reporting documentation for business travelers. Estimated time from lunch to lunch. When checking in, you must have a passport or license with you.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Electric kettle
- Microwave cooker
- Cutlery
- Utensils and accessories
In the bathroom
- Shower unit
- Spare towels
- Toilet accessories (shampoos, soaps)
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Cable television
- TV set
Hot water
- Hot-water heater
- Armored front door
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Clothes dryer
- Iron
- Variable bed linen
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
Call the owner for all lease details

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on Doba.ua since: 28.05.2012