2 rooms apartments daily Poltava, Kievskiy district, Kondratenko St., 3 — 1001502256
Hourly 50-200 UAH per hour, the price is negotiated depending on the number of hours and the time of arrival. The apartment has hot and cold water, bed linen and towels - always clean, the apartment is always clean! Nearby there is a paid and free parking, a stop for transport nearby. For business travelers, we can make reporting documents for the accounting department, nearby shopping center Kyiv and Kiev railway station
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Microwave cooker
- Cutlery
- Utensils and accessories
- Baking oven
In the bathroom
- Bath-tub
- Spare towels
- Toilet accessories (shampoos, soaps)
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Cable television
- TV set
- Armored front door
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Clothes dryer
- Iron
- Variable bed linen
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
- Balcony
Call the owner for all lease details

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on Doba.ua since: 16.12.2021 17:41:50