1 room apartments daily Kyiv, Desnyanskiy district, Oresta Levitskogo St., 8 — 1001628337
1 room on Lesnoy Massif, near the Heart Institute, emergency hospital, nearest metro station Chernigovskaya, metro Lesnaya.<br /> The apartment has everything you need for living: furniture (double bed), single sofa, bedding, dishes, stove, refrigerator, washing machine.<br /> There are shops and pharmacies nearby.<br /> Rented for 1-2 people.<br /> Price – from 750-850 UAH.<br /> The price may be higher on weekends.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Microwave cooker
- Utensils and accessories
In the bathroom
- Bath-tub
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Armored front door
- Intercom
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Clothes dryer
- Iron
Amenities outside
- Balcony
- Elevator
Call the owner for all lease details

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on Doba.ua since: 03.03.2017 14:57:01