2 rooms apartments daily Kropyvnytskyi (Kirovohrad), Krepostnoj district, YAnovskogo St., 80 — 1001615270
2-room apartment for rent daily and hourly. Indoor Market area. Hourly from 400 UAH. Daily from 700–1000 UAH (price to be confirmed). The apartment is clean, cozy, with European-quality repairs. AGV, air conditioner, clean bed, towels, and everything you need for a comfortable stay! There is a parking lot, supermarkets, and good transportation nearby. Wireless Internet, Wi-Fi. The cozy kitchen is equipped with all the necessary appliances and cutlery. We issue documents on residence. Not for rent for Christmas, holidays, and corporate parties! Smoking is prohibited in the apartment! For more information, please call.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Electric kettle
- Microwave cooker
- Cutlery
- Utensils and accessories
- Baking oven
In the bathroom
- Shower unit
- Spare towels
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Satellite TV
- TV set
Laundry and linen
- Washing-machine
- Iron
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
Call the owner for all lease details
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on Doba.ua since: 24.01.2020 17:38:57