house h daily Truskavets, Vorobkevicha St., 4 — 1001638991
5 guests
2 rooms
Truskavets, Vorobkevicha St., 4
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house h daily Truskavets, Vorobkevicha St., 4 — 1001638991
700 UAH/day Last modified 05.03.2025 year
Частный дом в самом центре города, 5-7 минут до бювета. Круглосуточно горячая вода, подогрев полов, wifi, интернет, кухонные принадлежности, холодильник,
микроволновка, газовая плита, электрический чайник, посуда. Рядом продуктовый базар, несколько маркетов, собственное уютное кафе.
In the kitchen
- Gas stove
- Refrigerator
- Electric kettle
- Microwave cooker
- Cutlery
- Utensils and accessories
In the bathroom
- Shower unit
- Bath-tub
- Blow dryer
Entertainment and multimedia
- WiFi
- Internet
- Cable television
- Satellite TV
- TV set
Hot water
- Gas Water Heater
- Armored front door
Laundry and linen
- Clothes dryer
- Iron
Amenities outside
- Parking lot
- Patio
- Balcony
- Recessed balcony
Call the owner for all lease details

Galina Borisovna
on since 2017 year
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from 700 UAH/dayLast modified 05.03.2025 year
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Call the owner for all lease details
+38 (096) 0...
+38 (096) 340-40-05
Galina Borisovna
on since: 22.01.2017 18:14:00
on since: 22.01.2017 18:14:00

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